Sorcières et Singeries, 2015, Mixed media on canvas, 210x170 cm
The paintings in this series (all works mixed media on canvas) operate as imaginary worlds, levitating landscapes in a dream-like dimension. Metaphorical microcosms, they encapsulate many of the characteristics of my broader practice.
Alicia Paz: "In a globalised world, every new culture we familiarise ourselves with can potentially become a new identity, a new way of being. From my time in France and in Germany, I acquired a fascination with the Rococo period; from California, I kept the humour and insouciance of Pop; from Mexico I retained the pleasure of colour and Baroque ornamentation, and since living in Britain, I have developed a penchant for darker, slightly gothic atmospheres, as well as a return to nature as a source of inspiration. All of these strands make up the DNA of my practice, intertwined... Perhaps one could say that I paint in one pictorial language at any given time with the “accent” of another?" (Excerpt from interview with curator Uwe Gellner, Autumn 2015).